Monday, April 15, 2013

My Love, My Life, My Everything

by Dennis
(Clinton, Iowa)

Tracy, you are everything to me! you mean the world to me! you have captivated my heart and my soul since the day we found each other again! you hold my heart in every way possible. i have sat and wondered what to do for you for valentines day and thought this would be good and endearing. I Love You more than anything in this world. we have so many hopes and dreams we share in common, and they will all come true. we have been through alot with stuff i have done and you still stay by my side, pushing through the hard times and moving forward. that says we can always make it through anything life throws our way. with you my life has just begun. we honestly are perfect for each other! with you and the girls, we are the perfect family. i will never let you down, i will not do you wrong, i will only do my best for you and devote each day of our lives together to you and the girls! that is my promise! this poem is for you.

I Will Love You Forever

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.

Tracy, will you be mine forever? i am yours! we are one together. i love everything about you, the way you care, the way you are so organized, your craziness, your persistance, your words, your looks, there is nothing i would ever ask differant in you or ask you to change. i love everything!
Falling in love with you was one of the best thing that's ever happened to me. Whether we're laughing and enjoying each other's company or spending quiet moments in each other's arms, the times we share are the best times in my life. Nothing would be as enjoyable if I didn't have you to share my life with. I couldn't find a better companion than the one I have found in you. I never expected to feel as happy as I do with you. Meeting you and falling in love with you was such an unexpected suprise. And I wouldn't have traded it for anything. From the moment we met, I knew I had found someone special. Your sense of humor, confidence, craziness, and spontanaiety are some of the reasons I fell for you. I'm so glad you accepted me into your life and that we have come this far in our relationship. When something good happens, you're the first person I want to share it with and I know you will be just as happy for me. When something bad or upsetting happens, I know you will be supportive and comfort me to help me through it. You help me try to look at the positive aspects of life and you're the person I need next to me to share life's ups and downs. I love waking up with you by my side every morning and falling asleep in your arms every night. I can't wait to make many more happy memories and share the rest of my life with you. You're the love of my life and I'm so lucky to have you.

Baby, simply said, I LOVE YOU! you are mine forever, i am yours!


I Love You, always and forever, past, present, and future!

Love Always,

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