Saturday, December 29, 2012

Vanessa Trier is the Best!!

by Levi
(With Vanessa)

You are beautiful!

You are beautiful!

Vanessa, I love you so much! Thank you so much for this incredible year together. I know we've have our ups and downs, and recently it's been a lot of downs but once it gets warmer and we go and do things, I think we will be much better again. Even thuogh I mess up a lot and I sometimes do the wrong things I thank you so much for continuing to try and make it work with me. You mean so much to me and I hope that we can make it work and be as great as we used to be.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Late Valentines Day Hunni! <3

by Jennifer <3

Our 1st Pic 2gether!

Our 1st Pic 2gether!

Our 1st Pic 2gether!

As many times as people said that me and you would end up together, I never believed it. Even the idea of it was far from my mind. But after all the time we spent together, being pretty much unseperable, I developed feelings for you that I didnt think I would or could. And as many times as I told you how undateable you were, I was wrong. So when I finally told you how I felt I was nervous and a little scared that those feelings were only on my part, but thankfully I was wrong again. And you finally asked me to be your girlfriend! This made me so happy and it made me grateful for all the things that led up to where we are now.

Your a very special person to me, because you make me the happiest Ive ever been without even trying. Im very lucky to have you in my life. Youve been the most patient person with me even when im at my worst. I know im not the easiest person to be with. Im not always that nice and I overanalyze everything. I overthink everything you could possible overthink. I dont offer you the best of my trust, my past hasnt showed me to be any different. But you are different. And being with you does show me that I can put all my trust in you and not have it blow back up in my face. It makes me appreciate you even more.

I just really want you to know how special you are to me. And I want to thank you for always being so patient and understanding with me. && of course caring about me and for me. <3

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Reasons I Love You

by Ryan J. Adams

A Beautiful Night With A Beautiful Girl

A Beautiful Night With A Beautiful Girl

Incredible Time With You Nicole, So Much Fun

Incredible Time With You Nicole, So Much Fun

Football And You. Could I Ask For Anything Better?

Football And You. Could I Ask For Anything Better?

Incredible Time With You Nicole, So Much Fun Football And You. Could I Ask For Anything Better?

Monday, December 10, 2012

You gave meaning in my life. <3

by Superman
(In Jhia's Heart)

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Tinney's

Roy & Concetta

Roy & Concetta







Roy & Concetta Casey Shane Haley

This is the story of two people who have only begun their journey together through the trials and tribulations of life. Our journey began September 2, 2007, when the "infamous motorcycle ride" took place on a brisk fall night leading our souls to be joined for the rest of our days. We met by chance since I attended a BBQ at Concetta's house with mutual friends on a last minute invitation. Concetta asked me to take her for a ride on my motorcycle that night (even though a guy she was seeing was also at this BBQ). The next day, I called her and we went out on the bike again to have lunch. From that day forward we were never apart again.
The next few months would feel like a new age version of speed dating as we got to know each other as if we were being helped along by someone or something. By the third month into the relationship I knew Concetta was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so I made preparations for the proposal.
November 17, 2007, Nunzio's Ristorante in Collingswood, NJ is the place and a packed (supposed to private)room is the setting. I already met with Nunzio earlier that day and gave him the engagement ring which we had planned would be placed into her dessert tray. Dinner was over, Concetta was ready to go and I was nervous and they brought out the dessert with the ring placed neatly in the gelato. She begged me not to do it in front of the room full of people but, as nervous as I was, I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me in front of about seventy people.
The next six months would fly by with furious wedding planning and scrambling to get the funds together for our destination ceremony. May 18, 2008, we were married on the dock of the bay at the Chesapeake Beach Resort in Maryland. Our wedding day went by in a flash and just as my wife said a thousand times when we argued about the cost of the photographer... the only thing we have left to remember that day is the pictures.
The day after we got married we drove home from Maryland unloaded our stuff and went right out to buy ourselves a wedding present. Along came "Casey." We picked up Casey from a rescue in Oxford and he has truly been the best and the worst dog either of us have ever had. Casey has so many issues that make him special needs but we wouldn't trade him for any normal animal in the world. During the first few months we had him he managed to ring up $1,500 in vet bills and crap on every single inch of a 4x4 crate. Since then he has swallowed the heads from multiple toys, developed Pancreatic Inefficiency, and managed to bust open his tail so bad that we had to have it amputated. Again, this dog costs mucho bucks but he is worth so much more then he runs us.
We have two cats that have a ton of personality and make it their sole purpose to mess with the dog every day. The only problem is that there is a power struggle between the two cats as well so there is no real cats vs dog hierarchy in the house. It's pretty much every animal for itself which leads to some pretty interesting early morning wakeups with the cats hissing and Casey flying down the stairs. Yes, it is a zoo but it's our zoo.
So almost four years has passed since we got married and we are still in Love. The pictures continue to pile up by the thousands and I'm running out of wall space. This website will now serve as additional wall space to help share our story and keep the holes out of my walls.

Friday, November 23, 2012

aQui and Tal's Facebook LOVE!! Happy Valentine's Day my angel!

by Tal
(Boulder, CO)

Happy Valentine’s Day baby!!
this was the beginning of our FB love my baby! We really are SO SO blessed with this pure love that we have for each other….you make me so beyond happy….thank you for loving me the way you do!!! You are my greatest treasure!!!!

sensei's quote of the you bebe <3

Ideal love is fostered only between two sincere, mature and independent people. It is the inner struggle to polish these attributes that is the key. ... Real love is not two people clinging to each other; it can only be fostered between two strong people secure in their individuality.

September 6, 2008
Tal Mizrahi
i love lazy saturday morns with ma baby...

daily quote that i like:

How aware are we of our own inner life, our spirituality--something so intangible yet so priceless? How much effort do we make to perceive that which is not obvious, which can neither be seen nor heard? I believe the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity. Such enrichment provides an inner compass that can lead civilizations to greatness.

love you peterson oxoxooxx
yer brother asked me to take care of you...isn't that cute?

September 6, 2008
Peterson AQui
but i LOVE clinging to you in the morning!!! xoxo

September 6, 2008
Peterson AQui
o you are soooo wonderful mi vida! you gonna take care of me? let's reach for greatness together!!!


September 8, 2008
Peterson AQui
hey baby love. just listening to musica thinking of you and yer SWEET SWEET nose!!! i love you Taliza!

September 9, 2008
Tal Mizrahi
o i love you bebe ~ i'll miss waking up next to that FACE!
sensei's quote of the day:

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own destiny. It may seem to us that our fate is predetermined, whether by our genes or by our environment. What really matters, however, is how we can improve ourselves from this moment forward, how we can change the circumstances that we find ourselves in. This enormous transformative force is what Buddhism is all about. In this struggle lies the source of never-ending youth and vitality.

September 9, 2008
Peterson AQui
my bed is cold without you

September 17, 2008
Tal Mizrahi


September 17, 2008
Peterson AQui

awww baby! we do have an amazing connection that i've never felt before. i was scared you wanted to run away cause i haven't been ova to yer house that much. it seemed like you were overreacting to something so trivial in the giantness of our togetherness, but i understand that you were sad and you just needed some lovin. i want to give you all the lovin you need and MORE!!! ???

when i think about you - about us two - i get butterflies and want to hold you and kiss you and touch you. you are a dream come true for me and i'm really really looking forward to tomorrow night with you.

you are my greenest greenest grass, tu aQui

September 20, 2008
Tal Mizrahi
o my baby...
hey cutest faaaace! i know i send ya these all the time, but i like this one...makes me think about you and your acu school sounds heavy sort of, but also it's really up to us to open the door to our own lives and create a beautiful life out of passion and art and joy and healing...yea it can be hard and there will be a lot of steps and pushing out of the comfort zone to make things happen and for it to all come together, but it'll be so satisfying i think...and it's exciting too!! i support you 1000000000 % on your journey...i mean..heck, we partners aint we?! love you so much. thank you thank you for yumi brunch and sweet sexy time this morning. neshikot!! oxooox

Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life, to build yourself anew. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway of life itself. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it may be the most severely challenging struggle there is. For opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe

September 26, 2008
Peterson AQui

you are the one for me baby! i love you and want to support you too!!!

October 19, 2008
Tal Mizrahi

why cant i send you a msg baby???
hi lover i dunno i keep tryin but cant seem to send you's my last try..

just wanted to tell you that I LOVE LAZY SEXY weekend mornins with my baby...
thank you for taking such good care of me, i love oatmeal, tea and massages first thing!
keep that up and i'll knee u in the fACE some more!!

you are my heart, my sunshine, the reason for my smile
te amo corazon, tali

October 19, 2008
Peterson AQui

my nose hurts... butt it was worth it! u my bAAAAby!!!

November 1, 2008
Peterson AQui

you and me
I miss you my beautiful love. Come home safe to me. I can't wait to hold yer sweet little hand.

December 10, 2008
Tal Mizrahi

baby baby baby!
you are sleeping peacefully, snoring and humming and smackin yer lips and i am slaving on neuroscience and i'd rather come in there and sleep nest to youuuuuuu! im delirious and probably cant take my chances getting any sleep tonite..but im glad yer here. you are my tru love...the truest love that ever was!

February 1, 2009
Tal Mizrahi
o i love you
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.
"I just wanted to be sure of you."

~A.A. Milne

February 2, 2009
Peterson AQui
o are you not sure of me my love?

February 2, 2009
Tal Mizrahi
“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”


February 24, 2009
Peterson AQui

I LOVE YOU!!! You are my dream!!!

April 15, 2009
Peterson AQui

this morn
ing was amazing! Thanks for coming to that presentation with me last night. We're gonna live in a really really really cool space!!! Then fill it with babies!!

May 13, 2009
Tal Mizrahi
thanks for being my very best friend baby. im so lucky

May 18, 2009
Peterson AQui
oh my little piglet! poor Pooh! in the snow with no pants... just like me... I LOVE YOU!!!

June 20, 2010
Peterson AQui
o day 1
Babe! I sure am missing you already! This place just aint the same without you. I don't know what I'd do without you in mi vida!!!

Had a great day today. We went to dim sum at JJ's. Then came home. Murphy ran away at the park when he and Blue went into the creek. There were so many mosquitoes. Then Dad took Blue home and I just walked over to Megan's house cause I thought Murph would want to see if Alex was home and 5 seconds after I got there who do you think showed up? Yep. It was Murphy alright.

Then your mama came over and we all took a nice drive out to Lafayette to Caleb's new Chili's. Steak and southwestern eggrolls baby!!! You would have loved it.

Your mom told us all these funny stories about you and Ariel and your random acts of childhood kindness. How did I ever get so LUCKY!!!

love you. I'm off to sleep. xoxo

yours truly,


June 26, 2010
Peterson AQui
o oh babe i really
really miss you more and more each day. You are my

June 27, 2010
Peterson AQui
love you,
tu aQui

August 15, 2010
Peterson AQui
o babe i love you of course! you're the most amaaazing! i don't know if your service is working!

August 15, 2010

October 28, 2011
Peterson AQui
o if everything worked out you should have just landed in Tel Aviv. Hope your flight was mellow and easy. I sure am missing you!

November 16, 2011
Tal Mizrahi
o missing you so much!! orit's baby was born! gonna go to the hospital so excited!!!!!!!!!! hope to find you later my true love!!! xooxxoox

Friday, November 16, 2012


by Superman
(In Jhia's Heart)

Honestly, the first time I saw you, I did not think that we will be like what we are right now. We just fell into this magic spell they call love. I feel so special when God gave me you. And I think what we are right now is what we both deserve. We were hurt so much in our past and now that we got each other, it is a dream come true that we can love each other more than any couple can do. I will love you more than anyone can do. i will never forget those sweet and special moments we spent together and that I will always be faithful to you no matter what.

Whatever problems and challenges we go through, I promise you that I will always be strong for you and for US. I will be your shoulder to cry on. I will always be a step behind you whenever you need me. I love you so much, baby! You don't know how much you make me feel loved and blessed because you came into my life. Now that you are mine now, I will never let you go. Whatever they say or do that will part Us, I will fight. I will never give up because that is how much I love you. I will forever love you, baby!

I will never get tired of courting and begging you to stay with me, baby. Promise me that I will be the only one in your heart and I will be the happiest person alive. Promise me that we will be together forever, baby. I love you, baby!

Happy Valentine's Day, baaaby! :D


Sunday, November 11, 2012

your my forever

by skylar carlson

true love

true love

Doug, i love you for more than your looks and money, i love you for whats in your heart, you are the best thing thats ever happened to me, it hard to say that ive loved before because you make everything so much more better. Love before you was dull and felt more like lust, but now that im experiencing it with, it feels all new like ive never felt so strongly in love with anyone in my life before you. I cant wait until we are married and have babies. I love you Doug, and nothing could ever change that. Your in my heart for life. Happy Valentines day my love.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetie!

by By Tracy

Dearest bebe,

I can't put into words just how much you mean to me. You have been the best thing that could ever happen to me and I am eternally grateful for that. I cannot thank you enough for the happiness you've made me feel for the past year. You are my partner, my lover and my best friend. I can't imagine myself being with anybody else but you. You are my first and last thought of the day and I wouldn't have it any other way.

If I wrote a book about where we stand,
The title would be "Life with Superman"
'Coz baby you're my everything,
You're all I ever wanted.
And I'll be your dream,
I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love,
Be everything that you need.

You're the only meaning in my life,
You're the inspiration.
And I Thank God I found you,
'Coz I was lost without you.
I really like what I feel when I'm with you,
You're a dream come true.

If I wanna try to count the ways you make me smile,
I'll run out of fingers before I run out of time.
This love is so ideal,
I'm honored to be in it.
You are my rock and I love to rock with you.

So baby don't worry, you are my only,
You won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down.
We’re made for one another
Me and you
And I have no fear
I know we’ll make it through
'Coz this love is a sure thing ;)

** I figured I'd let the songs speak for me. ;P

Hope you liked it!

Happy Valentine's Day!

<3 Tracy

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

You are my Lois Lane and I am Superman. :)

by Superman
(In Jhia's Heart)

Jham 03

Jham 03

You are my Lois Lane and I am Superman because I will never be complete without you, baby. You always complete me. :">

I want to thank you for always being there for me and not leaving me. I love you so much. You know how much I love you.

Baby, thank you for not giving up on US. Thank you for not leaving me behind. I love you so much for that! :-*

My love for you will never end no matter what. I won't give up on US, I promise. Thank you for loving me and taking care of me everyday.

I promise to love you forever until that last breathe. I will never ever hurt you, promise. Hope we enjoy eternity together. Hope you will let me bring your heart everywhere I go. I will be forever happy being with you and your heart, baby.

I am yours forever! ;)

( I hope you enjoy my gift for you. :D )

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


by Jadu

My lovely Wife

My lovely Wife

Me and my Love

Me and my Love

My lovely Wife Me and my Love

To my Lovely Ishky,

Our Journey together has been a ride of ups and downs, you never left my side whatever the situation. You were around whenever I needed someone to talk, someone to fight with, someone to love.

I remember my hard time, when every player around me where leaving my side and you were the only who hung around.

I remember you not buying stuff for yourself and buying all the necessary items I needed. I know how much you love buying stuff for yourself, still you only thought of me. It was just incredible.

I love you making all my favorite dishes and never bother preparing what you liked.

I love when you scold me for not taking care of myself and making me take medicines and making me eat healthy food.

I love when you use to pamper me after every scolding. That was the most amazing feeling of my life which I will never trade for millions.

I love when you help me dressing every morning when I am not able to dress properly and you make my sweater so comfortable for me.

I love when you gave me a facial massages and always make my headache go away.

I always remember when you call me continuously when I do not answer your one phone call, to make sure I am safe and sound.

I always love when you choose all my clothing, where I am not that good. You always look out for me. Guide me to wear good stuff and always compliment even though I am not looking that good.

I always love for the things you do for me, I know I am the world to you and so are you to me.

I will always love you for ever and ever and ever.............

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The story of Love that never ends. <3

by mohammad macadato

happy valentines honey :)

happy valentines honey :)

weeee :)

weeee :)

mga pispis pata ani hon :) pero labing japon :D

mga pispis pata ani hon :) pero labing japon :D



happy valentines honey :) weeee :) mga pispis pata ani hon :) pero labing japon :D I LOVE YOU! :)

Hi honey. hehe. I know this is the first time I made you a webpage . In the past valentine's days, we knew that they weren't special coz' of some circumstances. This year, hindi na ako papayag na hindi maging special ang valentine's day natin dalawa. so ito hehehe gumawa ako nang webpage para maging special at kakaiba ang valentine's day natin. :) alam kung hindi ako magaling sa mga video editing or sa ganito pero atleast, i've done alot of effort ani :) i love you so much honey. from the start sauna pa lang katong nagkita ta sa tunga sa ketkai taman karon kamulong basa nimu ani taman sa matigulang ta, taman sa taman, in short , endless love honey. sana ma appreciate mo itong munting gift ko sayo. atleast hindi siya mawawala kasi nasa internet hehe :) well, murag kulang na ang spaces para ani kung ignon nako tanan akong gakafeel sa imu. :) so, dani rako taman and hope we'll have a good time tomorrow honey. :)

i love you so much from the bottom of my heart(bahalag corny , basta sweet) :D

p.s : kailangan nata ug mga new pictures kai mga daan nani tanan :(

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bonnie, I LOVE YOU!

by Chad
(Kokomo, IN, USA)

The GOOFY us!

The GOOFY us!



Activities Together

Activities Together

The GOOFY us! Smiling Activities Together

Bonnie, you mean so much to me. I love you with all of my butt, because it's bigger than my heart. I want us to be like we used to be, minus me being a jerk. You are a great mom, and CAN be a great fiance, I know this! We keep working seperately when we need to be working together. I love you. I am doing what I can to be a better man for you. I want my changes to be noticed and not my flaws. I will love you forver til the day I die. Love forver, Chad.